Our COVID-19 Policy
Please read the following before your visit. If you are hosting an event in our facility, please notify this information to all participants in advance.
Due to the COVID -19 pandemic, we ask for your cooperation on the following points upon visiting our facilities to maintain a safe and secure environment for our customers and staff.
(The contents are subject to change depending on NY State & NYC rules.)◆ Those with a body temperature over 100F are not allowed to use the facility. Please cancel or reschedule the visit if you are sick or feeling unwell.
◆ We strongly encourage you to wear a mask inside our facility (except while dining inside the room or the restaurant you reserved).
◆ Please use the restrooms on the 1st and 5th floors. Please refrain from other floors and rooms. In particular, customers are not allowed to enter the 3rd floor (including the bathroom on the 3rd floor.)
◆ Visitors who apply to one or more of the following will not be permitted access to The Nippon Club’s facility unless they voluntarily self-tested negative for COVID-19 on the morning visiting us.
* You had one or more COVID-19 symptoms in the last 10 days (fever, cough, shortness of breath, taste or smell loss, or other respiratory problems).
* You have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days.
Thank you for your cooperation.