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The Nippon Club Culture Courses

※You can register and make payment from our website.
※ Login is required to register for the website. Please enter your email address from this page to sign up.Refer to the Registration page on how to register.
Please find the class fee with the class information.
For some classes, students need to pay a material fee. Please be prepared to pay your instructor by class before the class starts.
We close classes when full. However depending on space availability, you may still be able to register for a class.
Class may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment.
If you plan to be absent your class, please call or email us by 5:00 pm of the preceding day (5:00 pm on Friday if class is on Monday). Please inform a staff member of your absence rather than leaving voice mail message. (Some classes such as Ikebana and Flower arrangement, you may require to contact your instructor directly. Please ask the Culture desk.)
Please ask the Culture desk if you want to find out the availability of a make-up class. (Your class credit cannot apply to the following semester.)
No refund will be available on the class day.
You may still be responsible for your material fee if absent.
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