JCCI and The Nippon Club Present: Corporate Venturing (CVC) in Silicon Valley

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Admission Free
(voluntarily donate to the lunch box projectfor NY healthcare professionals & frontline workers)
While many new Japanese companies seek to start their business on U.S. soil, many executives and entrepreneurs are uncertain of where to start. What kind of human resources are needed to start a business? How can one develop a network to leverage their goals?
In this webinar held in discussion format with JCCI NY Vice President & Assistant Secretary Mr. Masaaki Maeda, Tomorrow Access Founder & CEO Mr. Ken Sobajima will discuss his insights working in the Japanese CVC industry based in Silicon Valley and provide innovative tips in how to succeed in the U.S.
※Please note this webinar will be held in Japanese with auto-generated English subtitles
傍島 健友氏
Ken Sobajima, Tomorrow Access, Founder & CEO
日本の大手通信会社KDDIで25年間、携帯電話システムの無線技術者、経営戦略、新規事業戦略、スタートアップへの投資、イノベーション活動など数々の事業経験を持つ。マイクロソフト社との事業提携、米国Facebook、Google、国内大手ゲーム会社GREE、コロプラ社などとの協業も担当、25名のメンバーを統率。スタートアップへ20社以上の投資経験があり、2015年から米国シリコンバレーにて活動。最先端の技術からビジネスモデルまで幅広い知見を持つ。2021年グローバルCVC担当2万人の中の Top 50(GCV Top 50 Emerging Leaders Award)に選ばれ、シリコンバレーにて独立。