Let’s Support COVID-19 Fighters! Progress Report Vol.8
March Report
Our “Let’s Support COVID-19 Fighters! Let’s deliver ‘Bento’ lunch boxes to medical workers in New York” project has been honored with The 2020 Consul General‘s Commendation by the Consulate General of Japan in New York on February 23, the Japanese Emperor’s birthday. All of the staff of the Nippon Club are very excited to receive this award.
In order to deliver as many bento boxes as possible, we have been distributing them twice a week since March. This project would not be possible without the generous support of many companies and individuals. We would like to continue this project as long as possible. Therefore, we appreciate your donation. Please help us to continue delivering delicious Japanese bento to New York’s heroic healthcare professionals.
Colorful Japanese bento boxes prepared by The Nippon Club’s Chef Yasuoka are being delivered to healthcare professionals.
We’d like to share a message we received from a doctor at ColumbiaDoctors (NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital) and a picture from Beth Israel Hospital.
“Thank you very much for the delicious lunch you sent last week to the medical staff at Columbia Doctors Midtown. Your generosity is much appreciated.”
-from ColumbiaDoctors (NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital)