Golden Eagle Capital Advisors, Inc. / JCCI / NC Presents
Deciphering the Changing 401(k) Plan Provisions

Thursday, March 30, 2023
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
Free Admission
The landscape of 401(k) and other retirement plans is changing drastically because of SECURE Act 2.0 enacted at the end of 2022, the biggest change to take place since the establishment of ERISA in 1974. Even though it will take two to three years to implement all of the new features, you would like to be better prepared sooner than later. This seminar is focused on 401(k) plan and will not only benefit plan sponsors and participants but also the companies that are considering setting up new plans.
Please note this webinar will be conducted in Japanese with auto-generated English captions

Investment Advisor Representative, Golden Eagle Capital Advisors, Inc.
Graduated Tsuda College in 1986. After working for Nomura Securities Investment Trust (now Nomura Asset Management), graduated Columbia Business School with MBA with a focus in finance in 1997. After working for Citigroup, Standard & Poor’s, and FTSE Americas as a global equity index analyst for institutional investors, asset managers and mutual fund/ETF companies, has become an independent advisor specialized in 401(k) and other corporate-sponsored retirement plans.