

秋のミュージックイベント 2023「ブラジリアンナイト〜情熱のサンバ、魅惑のボサノバ」

イベントの前半は、日本クラブ・安陵料理長が腕を振るう豪華ビュッフェ・ディナーをご堪能いただきます。また、お食事しながら会員様同士の交流、ご歓談をお楽しみください。後半のミュージックイベントは、今年は「ブラジリアンナイト〜情熱のサンバ、魅惑のボサノバ」(”Brazilian Night – Passionate Samba, Enchanting Bossa Nova”)と題して、ミュージシャンのナニー・アシス(Nanny Assis)さんをお迎えし、ブラジルの伝統的な音楽、熱くほとばしる情熱のサンバと、心地よいリズムに軽やかなメロディーのボサノバのライブ演奏、そしてサムエラ・サンバによるサンバ・ダンスで、日本クラブにブラジルのカーニバルの一夜の興奮をお届けします。ぜひ素晴らしい音楽の一夜をお楽しみください。皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております!
6:00 PM~8:30 PM(東部時間)

日本クラブ 2階 ローズルーム
145 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019

日本クラブ会員 $160 / ゲスト・非会員 $200





6:00 pm 開場、受付開始
6:30-7:30 pm ディナー(5階 サクラルーム)
7:30-8:30 pm エンターテイメント(2階 ローズルーム)
・Nanny Assis Band ライブ演奏
・Ms. Samuela Samba and Ms. Nao Yamada サンバ・ダンス
8:30 pm. 閉会、イベント終了


Nanny Assis(ナニー・アシス)

“Anybody who sees Nanny performing immediately feels that music for him is more than just a career. It’s how he translates rhythms and notes into pure essence – often snatching audiences away – and other times energizing them enough so they can stand up and dance, like Bob Marley once said, “and sweat until you can’t sweat no more.” His ability to make any kind of music sound smooth makes Nanny a notable and gifted artist. And that’s what he is, a gifted artist.”

(ナニーのパフォーマンスを見れば、彼にとって音楽は単なるキャリア以上のものだとすぐに感じる。それは、彼がリズムと音符を純粋なエッセンスに変換する方法であり、しばしば聴衆を奪い去り、時にはボブ・マーリーがかつて言ったように、”汗が出なくなるまで汗をかく “というように、立ち上がって踊ることができるほど聴衆を元気づけるのだ。どんな音楽でもスムーズに聴かせる彼の能力は、ナニーを特筆すべき才能あるアーティストにしている。そして、それこそが才能あるアーティストなのだ。)

Nanny Assis was born August 25, 1969, in Salvador, Bahia, in northeastern Brazil. When he was 7, his musical gifts began manifesting themselves before an audience—or rather, before a congregation. “My father was a pastor, so I grew up playing sacred music. My first instrument was drums, played in the church, and I sang in the youth choir.” He learned guitar by osmosis, simply because the instrument was ubiquitous in Brazilian culture. With those skills in hand, and much to his parents’ (initial) displeasure, Assis began making money playing secular music with his friends. He did rock in clubs, samba at carnival, and even delved into jazz after discovering American players at a record store in Salvador.

In 1993, when the Austin, Texas-based band Rolling Thunder held auditions for samba percussionists. Assis passed the audition and came with them to Texas as a member of the band, touring the U.S. and Europe with them. This was the proverbial foot in the door; he kept seeking out opportunities to work in the States, finally moving to New York in 1999 and quickly becoming a noted player of samba and Brazilian jazz, both as a leader and a sideman.

While Assis considers himself a samba musician, not a jazz musician, it’s the jazz players who are most curious about Brazil’s traditions and are thus his most frequent collaborators. His 2006 debut album, Double Rainbow, included contributions from John Patitucci, Eumir Deodato, Michael Leonhardt, and Erik Friedlander, among others. His subsequent projects partnered him with Arthur Lipner (2010’s Brazilian Vibes) and Janis Siegel and John di Martino (on 2014’s RequinteTrio). He’s also produced several recordings across multiple genres. Rovanio is his second leadership album, but he’s not interested in hogging the spotlight there, either—hence the stellar cast of musicians that appear with him. “The whole point of music is to share,” he says. “I love to collaborate, and my
stage is an open door.”

Samuela Samba



合田 沙おり
日本での劇団活動を経て 2009 年に渡米。俳優、声優。主演映画「マイドーターよしこ」で主演女優賞など3賞を受賞。芥川賞受賞小説の映画「カクテルパーティー」、NBC の「The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon」「ラブユアセルフィー」に加え、日本テレビの「笑ってコラえて」、TBS の「サンデージャポン」、昨年はオフブロードウェイで「忠臣蔵」に出演。NHK コスモメディアの「テレビジャパンクラブ」のキャスターや、ワシントン DC 桜祭りの司会、ナレーター、声優としても活動。

お問い合わせ: info@nipponclub.org


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