

日本クラブ主催 秋のミュージックイベント 2022
(ID Holdings 協賛・全日本空輸(株)後援)



今年のミュージックイベントはスペインをテーマとし、3人の音楽家とダンサーによるトップレベルのパフォーマンスをお楽しみ頂きます。出演は日本で活躍するクラシックギタリストの Tomomi Kohnoさん、NY在住のフラメンコダンサー Xianix Barreraさん、そしてメトロポリタンオペラのメゾ・ソプラノ Tamara Mumfordさんのお三方です。


6:00 – 8:30 pm(米国東部標準時)


145 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019

会員120ドル / 一般 160ドル

定員:75名 ※定員になり次第、締め切らせていただきますので、予めご了承ください。


ID Holdings 協賛・全日本空輸(株)後援

■ 出演者ご紹介

Tomomi Kohno

東京都出身。クラシカルギターコンクールで優勝のほか、東京国際ギターコンクール、アジア国際ギターコンクールなど、国内外のコン クールで入賞。2011年、韓国にてDVD『Recollections』をリリース。 12年、イタリアのトリノ音楽祭で3回のリサイタルを行う。15年、南 米ボリビア・コチャバンバの音楽院を訪れ、技術指導や指導法のアド ヴァイスを行う。16年、オーストリアのルスト国際ギターフェスティ バル、ロシアのモスクワとエカテリンブルクに招かれ、またスペイン のマドリードでのリサイタルも2度に亘り成功させる。17年、『ザ・ バッハ』を発表し、東京・銀座の王子ホールでのリサイタルでは大成 功を収めた。18年、サントリーホール・ブルーローズにて現代の楽器 でのバロックアンサンブルのコンサートを行い、「ギター室内楽の新 たな境地」と評判を呼んだ。19年にはスペインのガンディア国際ギ ターフェスティバルに招かれ、スペイン作品集『The Spain』を発表。 20年サントリーホールにて東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、梅田俊明 氏指揮のもと「アランフェス協奏曲」「ある貴紳のための幻想曲」の 2大ギターコンチェルトを演奏、秋にライブ盤アルバムとしてリリー ス。2022年ヴァイオリン礒絵里子とともに「デュオ・パッシオーネ」 を結成、アルバム『グラシア』を発表。日本・スペインギター協会会長代理としてギター音楽の普及とギター界発展に寄与するべく、日々 努めている。日本女子大学人間社会学部現代社会学科卒。昭和音楽大 学、自身の主宰する音楽教室にて後進の指導育成にもあたっている。

Xianix Barrera

Xianix Barrera is a Bessie award nominated flamenco dancer, teacher, and choreographer whose work aims to highlight bold and tenacious female artists and their unapologetically robust femininity. Female empowerment, queer themes, sexual identity and social justice color her choreographic work and create the focal point for the company she founded in 2012; Xianix Barrera Flamenco Company. With a background in ballet, modern, jazz and percussive studies, Xianix has dedicated herself to the lifelong study of flamenco with the masters of the art form in both New York and Spain. Throughout her career she has shared the stage with revered artists such as Isabel Bayón, Raquel Heredia, Rosario Toledo, Soledad Barrio (Noche Flamenca) and Juan Ogalla on some of the most important stages in the world including The Joyce Theater, Lincoln Center, The Red Theater in Abu Dhabi and Cafe Silverio in Sevilla. Continuously pushing boundaries within flamenco, while remaining true to its tradition, her most recent production, “Mujeres”, featured a rare all-female cast that solidified an ongoing creative collaboration with revered guitarist and composer Antonia Jiménez. The company embarked on its first tour in 2019 with performances in New York, Portland and Phoenix. Xianix has received ongoing recognition for her work; she was a scholarship recipient for the Flamenco Program at the School of Jacob’s Pillow, an Artist in Residence with Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana, and a SU-CASA community arts engagement grantee. Most recently she was nominated for a Bessie Award for Outstanding Performer for her role in “Latido” as part of the Emerging Choreographer Series at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center produced by Mare Nostrum Elements.

Mezzo Soprano Tamara Mumford

A graduate of the Metropolitan Opera’s Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, mezzo-soprano Tamara Mumford made her debut there as Laura in Luisa Miller, and has since appeared in more than 140 performances with the company, some of which include the Pilgrim in the new production of Kajia Saariaho’s L’Amour de loin, Smeaton in the new production of Anna Bolena, and in productions of Rigoletto, Ariadne auf Naxos, Il Trittico, Parsifal, Idomeneo, Cavalleria Rusticana, Nixon in China, The Queen of Spades, the complete Ring Cycle, The Magic Flute, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Wozzeck. Other recent opera engagements have included the world premiere of The Thirteenth Child at the Santa Fe Opera, her role debut as the title role in Tancredi with Teatro Nuovo, the first ever American performances of Rossini’s Aureliano in Palmira at the Caramoor Festival, L’Amour de loin at the Festival d’opéra de Québec, Iolante at the Dallas Opera, the title role in the American premiere of Henze’s Phaedra, the title role in The Rape of Lucretia, and the world premiere of Daniel Schnyder’s Yardbird at Opera Philadelphia; the title role in Dido and Aeneas at the Glimmerglass Festival, Ottavia in L’incoronazione di Poppea at the Glyndebourne Opera Festival and the BBC Proms, Orsini in Lucrezia Borgia at the Caramoor Festival , Isabella in L’Italiana in Algeri at the Palm Beach Opera, the title role in The Rape of Lucretia, conducted by Lorin Maazel at the Castleton Festival; the title role in Carmen at the Crested Butte Music Festival, Principessa in Suor Angelica and Ciesca in Gianni Schicchi with the Orchestra Sinfonica Giuseppe Verdi di Milano in Italy; and the title role in La Cenerentola at Utah Festival Opera.

■ 司会者

Christina Maxwell

Christina Maxwell is a New York City-based singer, actress and executive. She currently serves as Director at Related Companies, advising on artwork acquisition, cultural partnerships and mental health strategy across the national portfolio. In her role, she also works as the Executive Director and face of High Line Nine, the Related Companies’ collection of nine immersive exhibition spaces in Chelsea.

Also, a seasoned singer and actress, Maxwell frequently performs in concerts and appears on television. Recently, she was seen performing with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra musicians on EDGE in New York City, headlining at Festival Napa Valley and starring on television as the new face and voice of HUMIRA’S national commercial campaign.

【お問い合わせ】日本クラブ事務局 (membership@nipponclub.org) まで、ご連絡下さい。


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