

01 【Online】Elementary Japanese 1-3 (JF Standard A2)


*This class will be conducted online via Zoom.

This course targets developing skills to interact in everyday contexts such as talking about your town, going out with friends, learning foreign languages and cultures, etc. Kanji characters related to the topics as well as relevant grammar and vocabulary will be introduced and practiced. Japanese culture will also be an important thread throughout the course.

[Prerequisite] You are expected to: – have completed JF A2-1(1) Elementary Japanese or equivalent – be able to describe, ask and answer simple questions about yourself, what you do, where you live, food you like, hobbies, daily routine, weekend activities, etc. – be able to handle simple expressions of numbers, quantities, costs and time – be able to read and understand simple brief texts written in hiragana, katakana and very basic kanji on such topics as someone’s self-introduction, hobbies, schedule, weekend activities etc. – be able to write simple phrases and sentences about yourself, where you live and what you do using hiragana and katakana – be able to read and understand approximately 50 kanji characters and related words such as numbers, days of the week, simple verbs and adjectives

[Goals] Upon successful completion of this class, you will be able to: – talk about such topics as describing a town, going out with friends, learning foreign languages and cultures, etc. – read short, simple sentences such as text messages about when to meet, what someone does to learn languages, etc. – write short, simple sentences such as messages to make arrangements with friends, your history of learning languages, etc. – read approximately 50 kanji characters and related words covered by the topics

講師 菊池 恵美
菊池 恵美
実践女子大学文学部国文学科学士課程修了。中学国語及び中学・高校書道教員免許取得。NYの野村證券、The New School、ハンター大学、The City College of New York等での日本語講師を務める。
受講料 $300 (10-Lesson) *Textbook: Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Elementary1 A2 Coursebook for communicative language activities "Katsudoo"

Elementary Japanese 1-3 (JF Standard A2) (Thursday)18:30~20:00

開催日 2021/9/2, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18



カルチャー講座だより マンハッタンでおけいこ♫